Aura Photos

Online Aura Photo

An AURA is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. The colors and patterns within this energy field constitute a blueprint (the results of the energy we radiate from our feelings, thoughts, and physical being). Until recently, Aura’s were only seen by the special few who had a gift to see the rainbow of colors.
Through the use of this remarkable technology, we gain a deeper insight into our emotional – mental states, health and spiritual well-being. Thus we are now able to give a more accurate reading of the Aura based on the colors that are photographed. This is all done in the comfort of your own home.
     The color interpretations are universal in meaning. Jessica will analyze your aura photo and email you your picture along with a written or voice recorded reading.

At Sacred Light and with the genius of people in India, we can now filter out the light of your photo in order to see the aura around you or even in a room. We have assisted many people with finding the non harmonious places in a room. We will provide an accurate aura reading without you having to be present. This is accomplished by you taking a photo with your phone and emailing it to me. 

With the most recent technology in Aura Photos with the digital system from India, you get more than just an aura photo, you also have the ability to get an energetic health scan. Unlike many aura photography systems used  throughout the country, we use a system that has the ability to pin point blockages within your body. These blockages have been known to cause sickness & disease. Although we as healers can feel these blockages through intuitive guidance, this system allows you to see for yourself what your healer is telling you.


NEW ONLINE AURA OPTION: You can get an aura session right from the comfort of home. Email me at with your full name along with a picture of you standing in front of a white solid background, wearing light colored clothing and I will email you back your aura photo.

Purchase your Aura Photo for only $40 and updates are only $20.

Purchase your photo below.