Soulistic Retreat
Soulistic Retreat in Sedona
Hosted By Jose & Jessica
Cost $1,100
Early Saver Special $800 expires 10/10/16
November 11-13, 2016
Join Jose & Jessica for a Souls Revival Retreat in Sedona that ends with the full moon ceremony.
This all inclusive retreat will allow for the integration of your souls path bringing more awarness to your inate gifts. In this retreat you will ingage in a total alignment of the physical & Spiritual body to allow a shift in consciousness. You will be pampered through massage, foot detox, salt therapy and sound healing. You will learn different techniques to work with your chakras during our Chakra Workshop. Allowig your inate wisdom to assist in self healing of your physical and emotional body with our Energy Healing Workshop. Finiding deep inner peace through our Meditation Workshop. Receive messages from your Angel Guides in our Angel Messages class. Visit Sacred Vortex sites and connect to the Spirit of Nature allowing your inner child time to explore. Finally ending our time with Yoga, a Full Moon Ceremony for manifesting the year ahead and you leave with a numerology report that will allow you to glance at the next year ahead.
Room (double occupacy)
Food-Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Foot Detox
Salt therapy
Numerology Report
Angel Messages
Sound Healing
Aura Photo
Meditation Workshop
Chakra Workshop
Energy Healing Workshop
Guided Vortex experiance in 2 of Sedonas Vortexes.
Total cost: $1,100.
Early Savers Discount: $300 when you reserve by 10/10/16 with $300 down.
Total with savings: $800 Reserve your spot with only $300 down and $500 1 week prior to event.